Faye Witteveen

Faye Witteveen

Program Manager

In the role of Program Manager for Skill Building and Best Practice Exchange, Faye empowers over 1,000 women per year to step into their potential. She brings a wealth of experience from her corporate career at Thomson Reuters, where most recently she was a Talent & Development Director responsible for Diversity & Inclusion and Culture Change. She is enthusiastic about working with Advance’s member companies to help them move the gender diversity needle to bring about greater equality for all.  

Faye holds a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies and has completed further development with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Facilitation and Grief Counselling Certificates. She is also a Professional Integral Coach (PCC) with The Centre for Coaching, Switzerland

Faye is British and has lived in both Geneva and Zurich for a total of 18 years. She is married to a Dutch partner and they live in Zurich with their two daughters. 

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