Advance is the leading business association for gender equality in Switzerland. 

Together with our forward-thinking member companies, we are committed to increasing gender diversity in business. Advance offers members a concrete program to support them in reaching their diversity & inclusion objectives. Because research proves: In a gender-equal world, everyone wins – individuals, businesses, the economy, and society at large.

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Together, we #advance faster!

All members

Join Our Strong Community

Close to 150 companies in Switzerland are already advancing with us. A membership unlocks exclusive access to training, workshops, and events on leadership topics, empowerment, best practices exchange, and networking for employees of all genders across management levels. Curious?

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Explore Our Events

Find out about your next opportunities to connect, get inspired, acquire new skills, exchange best practices, and power up your network – all our events are designed to foster gender equality in Swiss business.

Woman sitting on a ball pendulum

Discover the Program

Our integrated program is designed to create impact. Systematically unleash your diversity potential with our Best Practice Exchanges, Skill Building Workshops for female and male leaders, Cross-Company Mentoring, and tons of networking opportunities.

Discover the program

Thought Leadership Made by Advance

Gain data-driven insights and recommendations from the Gender Intelligence Report and our whitepaper series. In collaboration with the University of St. Gallen (HSG), we are creating transparency about the development of diversity in the Swiss workplace. The Advance whitepaper series explores gender-specific challenges and opportunities in the Swiss labor market based on facts & figures.

Gender Intelligence Report 2024

Gender Intelligence Report 2024

It does take a village!

It does take a village!

Ambitious. Qualified. Overlooked.

Ambitious. Qualified. Overlooked.

Member Relations team with Alkistis Petropaki, Barbara Favre, and Katharina Lindner (from left to right)


Get in touch with us and learn more about our offer, the program, and our team. We are happy to discuss how you can benefit from an Advance membership. Looking forward to an exchange!


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