A Letter of Intent for Gender Balance in Swiss Business

Including women in leadership makes good business sense. It is well-documented that diverse leadership teams perform better, are more innovative, and are more profitable. To drive change, Advance enourages its member companies to sign the Advance Diversity Charter, which reflects our aspiration to see gender balance at all levels across Swiss-based firms.

Charter stamp which says: Committed to Advance Gender Equality in Business, the Diversity Charter

The Advance Diversity Charter ...

... is a commitment by Advance and signatory firms to gender equality in business and, hence, a workplace environment that supports a fair and balanced approach to hiring, remunerating, promoting, and retaining female talent.

The Charter

  • encourages firms to support and show leadership in the progression of women into senior roles in their company by focusing on the executive pipeline and the mid-tier level

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  • recognizes the diversity of companies and that firms will have different starting points – each firm should therefore set its own targets and implement the right strategy for their organization

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  • asks firms, to the extent possible, to share information on progress, including opportunities and challenges, to deliver against these internal targets and to support the transparency, accountability, and culture needed to drive change

Advance Charter Signatory Companies

Signatory companies pledge to promote gender diversity by

  • having one member of the senior leadership team responsible for the topic of gender diversity and inclusion, and ensuring measures are followed through

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  • setting internal targets for gender diversity and ensuring the intention to deliver against these internal tar

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  • engaging in a regular dialogue with Advance on progress and impact, and by sharing best practices and challenges

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  • striving for gender equality, including equal opportunities and pay

Join the Movement!

Sign the Charter and communicate your commitment in social media and by placing the Charter stamp on your employer branding or DEI website.

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Best Practices: Impactful Initiatives by Advance Members

Discover what targets our member companies have set and what initiatives they have implemented to promote gender equality in their workplaces by browsing our collection of 60+ best practices.

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