Yvonne Bettkober: "Failing my way to success" IWD 2021 - We advance

Yvonne Bettkober: "Failing my way to success" IWD 2021


Advance Flagship Event IWD 2021, March 8

International Women’s Day 2021 was live-broadcasted from a studio, reaching over 2’600 people who got inspired by powerful speakers. In this TED-style speech Yvonne Bettkober, General Manager Switzerland at Amazon Web Services, inspires with her powerful message – enjoy!

Success is made from of a series of failures. What does failure mean to you? Is it a major setback? Or an opportunity to learn and advance? Yvonne Bettkober is sharing with us her failures that made her what she is today: a resilient and encouraging leader who is not afraid to embrace failure as a form of helpful feedback to reach the next level.

More about Yvonne Bettkober

Yvonne Bettkober

General Manager Switzerland at Amazon Web Services

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Yvonne Bettkober

General Manager Switzerland at Amazon Web Services

Yvonne Bettkober is an international executive with extensive experience in the conception and operationalization of technology-driven transformation processes.

She has led teams and businesses across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. She started her professional career in Germany at Siemens and then worked for various software vendors. For more than 15 years, Yvonne Bettkober has been working with new technologies and their transformation potential for companies of all sizes. She spent over a decade at Microsoft in various roles and regions leading teams in more than 20 countries. She served on the Board of Directors for Microsoft South Saharan Africa and Indian Ocean. In 2015, she joined the Swiss Executive Board of Microsoft where she initially took over the SME, corporate and partner business; leading the reorganization of that segment to a cloud-based model. She was subsequently appointed Director for new business development and Enterprise Solutions (Microsoft’s technical sales unit). Additionally to her main professional duties, Yvonne serves as advisory board member for several startups an associations with Africa-focus and is member of the board of Digital Switzerland.

Yvonne Bettkober, who grew up in Cameroon and France, moved to Germany in 1992 to study at the Technical University of Berlin. She holds a master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering and an MBA from Warwick Business School. She has been living in Switzerland with her husband and three sons since 2006.

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