Susan Bincoletto: "The Power of Gender Equality" IWD 2021 - We advance

Susan Bincoletto: "The Power of Gender Equality" IWD 2021

Better is always possible: The power of gender equality to improve the world

Advance Flagship Event IWD 2021, March 8

International Women’s Day 2021 was live-broadcasted from a studio, reaching over 2’600 people who got inspired by powerful speakers. In this TED-style speech Susan Bincoletto, Ambassador of Canada to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, gives an international perspective on the theme «Let’s Change the Face of Leadership».

Canada is a country with a feminist prime minister, who believes that gender equality has the power to improve the world. In her inspiring talk entitled “Better is always possible”, Susan shared what can be done to get there. Enjoy her powerful speech!

More about Susan Bincoletto

Susan Bincoletto

Ambassador of Canada to Switzerland and Liechtenstein

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Susan Bincoletto

Ambassador of Canada to Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Susan Bincoletto was appointed Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein in 2017. She has over thirty years of experience providing the Government of Canada with policy advice on commercial and economic issues and leading teams to advance Canadian interests. She holds a Masters in Economics and Completed the Advance management Program at Harvard Business School in 2011.

Before her current role, Susan was Canada’s Chief Trade Commissioner, responsible for supporting Canadian companies abroad and attracting investment into Canada. Susan also served as Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Industry Canada and held other senior positions with the Government of Canada.

Throughout her career, Susan has valued the role mentors have played in supporting her advancement. She seeks opportunities to pay it forward by sharing her experiences and supporting women and their careers. She aims to constantly improve equality within her organization through self-reflection and dialogue.

Susan was born in Montreal. She is married with two adult children.

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