Career and Gender: HZ-Podcast with Petra Jantzer and Andreas Staubli - We advance

Career and Gender: HZ-Podcast with Petra Jantzer and Andreas Staubli

March 13, 2021

Career choices are clearly gendered in today’s world. What do we need to do to break up the rigid divide between female and male career paths? Listen in to this Handelszeitung Podcast by Melanie Loos and her very personal conversation with Petra Jantzer and Andreas Staubli, CEO PwC Switzerland, about experiences, recipes for success and the importance of role models.
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Why there are so few women in leadership positions of the Swiss companies? How does the career path differ between women and men and would all the men in top jobs have made it there if they were women?

Andreas Staubli, CEO PwC Switzerland, is not sure. As a woman, he would have made completely different career choices. Petra Jantzer, Advance President and Managing Director Accenture, says it was clear to her early on: “I want to get to the top”. In their positions, both experience how women are often discouraged and how companies ultimately lose them as managers.

The problem starts with the first promotion to a managerial position: women are disadvantaged. One can no longer speak of a glass ceiling, but this kink on the career ladder prevents women from getting to the top. Petra Jantzer calls it ‘broken rung’.

Listen to this sparkling conversation here.

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