Campaign 2021 Stefan Scheiber - We advance

Would I be where I am?

Leaders must make gender equality their business, and I am committed to advancing inclusive diversity at Bühler.

Stefan Scheiber, CEO Bühler Group

If you were a woman, do you think you would have made it to the top leadership ranks? Why (not)?

I think I certainly would have been confronted with many more hurdles throughout my career and it’s even likely my path could have taken an entirely different turn if I were a woman. Would I – and could I – have openly voiced my opinions, and would those opinions be heard? Would I have a seat at the table, and have been recognized for my achievements? It is difficult to say, but these are questions that all men should ask themselves.

How have gender stereotypes influenced your career choices and professional development?

And do you feel these stereotypes are present in your current work environment?

They probably have, without my being aware of it. I studied business administration and knew I wanted a career with the potential of working internationally, and I set my sights on that. Bühler happened to be the perfect fit for me and I have had the chance to work in various countries and business areas to develop professionally. Was that easier because I am a man? Probably.

The industrial engineering industry continues to be predominantly male, but we are actively working towards increased gender balance.

How do you personally act against gender stereotypes in your environment?

As the CEO of Bühler Group, it is my responsibility to ensure that our work environment is welcoming and inclusive to everyone, irrespective of gender, age, sexual orientation, nationality, or any other diversity dimension. Everyone should have equal access and opportunity. I strongly believe in confronting bias and stereotypes, and I encourage people to challenge me on my own biases and to speak out when they witness behavior that is non-inclusive or inappropriate. It is important to me to be a role model and lead by example.